Our Mission

We aim to make roads safer by researching the connection between humans and vehicles. We are home to the National Advanced Driving Simulator, and we now have a new name for our broader institute: the Driving Safety Research Institute.


ADS for Rural America Shuttle Bus on Rural Road

On the Rural Road to Autonomy

Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Automated Driving System program looks to raise the bar for self-driving in the country.
Justin Mason in the NADS control room

NADS welcomes new assistant research scientist Justin Mason

Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Help us welcome our new assistant research scientist Justin Mason. Check out this quick Q&A to learn more about what drives Mason's research and why he chose the University of Iowa.
Black screen with text "Are you interested in driving research?"

Student Overview: National Advanced Driving Simulator

Monday, August 1, 2022
Are you interested in driving research? The National Advanced Driving Simulator has a variety of opportunities for students from different disciplines.
Dan McGehee and Christopher Rundus at graduation ceremony

Q&A with 2022 Ph.D. Alum Christopher R. M. Rundus

Monday, July 18, 2022
Recent Industrial and Systems Engineering Ph.D. student Christopher R.M. Rundus had his choice of careers when he graduated from the University of Iowa. Learn more about his time at the university and his future plans.
Hexagon's Sri Mushty, one of the autonomous software specialists working on our automated vehicle

ADS for Rural America update: July 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022
We recently started Phase 3 (of 6) of our project, with the help of one of our tech partners, Hexagon | AutonomouStuff. See also how our co-pilot display works.
image of Dr. Daniel McGehee on a blue screen

PAVE Panel "Digital Infrastructure in Highly Automated Driving" with Dr. Dan McGehee

Thursday, June 30, 2022
Check out the recording of last week's PAVE Panel "Digital Infrastructure in Highly Automated Driving" with Dr. Dan McGehee, director of the National Advanced Driving Simulator.
Automated shuttle bus on rural Iowa road

ADS for Rural America

Learn more about our Automated Driving Systems (ADS) for Rural America project, which drove a partially-automated shuttle bus through Iowa City, Hills, Riverside, and Kalona, Iowa. 

NADS-1 bay, 3D globe image

Tour our tech

Take a 360 degree virtual tour of our facility, and learn more about our technology and expertise.