News: Safety and Crash Data Analysis

Children as pedestrians: Pedestrian safety and self-driving cars
Monday, September 16, 2024
The National Science Foundation features our partners at the Hank Virtual Environments Lab and our facility at DSRI in a new video on children crossing roads with self-driving cars.

Iowa research examines impact of ‘road diets’ on emergency response
Friday, August 9, 2024
Iowa Now
A new study from University of Iowa researchers examines how converting four-lane roads to three-lane roads impacts emergency responses.

The ADAS experts
Monday, February 12, 2024
Our investigators have been working on a series of studies analyzing advanced driver
assistance systems (ADAS) technology and consumer understanding of ADAS features.

2023: A Year in Review
Monday, January 1, 2024
Check out our recent highlights and accomplishments from the Driving Safety Research Institute, home of the National Advanced Driving Simulator.

UI researchers studying ADAS features and crashes
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
They are looking for drivers who have been involved in a crash or near-crash situation in the past 12 months while driving a vehicle equipped with at least one ADAS feature to participate in a study.

Podcast listen: Safely sharing the road with farm vehicles
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health
Listen to a short podcast on our SaferTrek project, which studied how passenger vehicles interact with farm vehicles on the road. With researchers Michelle Reyes and Cara Hamann.

Univ. of Iowa researchers study drugged driving outcomes
Friday, December 30, 2022
Death and injury among road-users is up to an alarming rate according to a recent study by NHTSA and local researchers. They found that 55.8% of people seriously injured or killed in road crashes tested positive for one or more drugs.

New report finds nearly half of Iowa drivers involved in serious crashes tested positive for drugs
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Iowa Public Radio
New data from a NHSTA study, in partnership with the University of Iowa, show 45.3% of seriously injured drivers reporting to the Emergency Department tested positive for at least one drug. The top two were alcohol and cannabinoids.

2022 Annual Report now available
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Our 2022 annual report is here! We have spent the past year researching automated vehicles, traffic safety, drugged driving, and much more. Plus, read about our upcoming name change to "Driving Safety Research Institute" on page 3.
Impact of 'road diets'
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
For more than two decades, the Iowa DOT has been encouraging Iowa communities to consider converting certain four-lane streets to three lanes (also known as a “road diet”) with the aim to improve safety and reduce crashes.