For more than 20 years, Michelle Reyes has conducted human factors and traffic safety research on a wide variety of topics including driver workload, impairment, distraction, and inattention; young driver crash characteristics, licensing trends, in-vehicle feedback, and training; consumer education about advanced driver assistance systems; and transition of control for automated driving. She has made significant contributions—which include study coordination, experimental design, and data collection, reduction, and analysis—for multiple simulator-based and naturalistic driving studies sponsored by NHTSA, NIH, and NIOSH.
Ms. Reyes has also led research studies for the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the Iowa DOT, and Iowa’s highway safety office. She is an active participant in the State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee for Iowa and serves on the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Vehicle User Education, Training, and Licensing (ACH60) as well as its Young Driver Subcommittee. Ms. Reyes was a recipient of the annual Jerome H. Ely Award for the best article published in Volume 44 of Human Factors.