Cher Carney
Cher Carney is a senior research associate at the Driving Safety Research Institute. Her areas of expertise are driver performance assessment, video data analysis, crash avoidance telematics, and standards development. She has extensive experience in conducting naturalistic driving research examining human factors and safety related issues. Her introduction to naturalistic driving research occurred while in grad school, where she was involved in conducting a human factors field evaluations of automotive headway maintenance/collision warning devices, the precursor to the ACC systems we know today. Most recently that has involved ADAS and its effect on driver vigilance and attention with regard to driver takeovers from Level 2 automation. Before that, Ms. Carney spent ten years examining naturalistic teen driving behavior, particularly the effect of providing feedback on driver safety and the prevalence of distracting behaviors.
Prior to coming to the University of Iowa, she was a research scientist at the Battelle Human Factors Transportation Center. While there, Ms. Carney was involved in a variety of transportation-related research. She aided in the development of human factors design guidelines for in-vehicle display icons and other information elements. She was involved in the writing of the literature review for this project, conducted a preliminary assessment of visual symbols, and devised a working plan for the development of the design guidelines. Prior to this project, she was involved in supporting various tasks for the Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) components of an Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) project and was involved extensively in the development of a comprehensive guideline document for the design of ATIS. She also supported the investigation of Side Object Detection Systems (SODS).