Articles from October 2019
Touch screens in cars are distracting, so why do we keep putting them there?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Daniel McGehee is a human factors engineer and director of the National Advanced Driving Simulator at the University of Iowa, where he studies distracted driving and specializes in figuring out how to design vehicle interfaces around human limitations, such as memory and vision.

Iowa researchers prepare rural roads for the future
Friday, October 4, 2019
Most roads in the U.S. are in rural areas, and the University of Iowa’s National Advanced Driving Simulator is working to make them safer and prepare them for a future with driverless vehicles.
Advanced Brain Monitoring Hits the Road with Cannabis Impairment Detection
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Advanced Brain Monitoring is set to develop a Cannabis Impairment Detection Application. Building on successful achievements of a multi-year collaboration with the University of Iowa’s National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS) involving drug effects on driving and brain activity, the team will conduct controlled cannabis dose-response studies with an alcohol comparison to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the CIDA.